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Women's Hair Toppers

  A hair topper is a removeable hair piece that sits on the top of your head, over your natural parting. All our hair toppers at Hairapy are made from human hair, which means you are able to wash and style, like your own hair.  Hair toppers will instantly give you fuller looking hair, in minutes, achieving the hair you have always dreamed of. 

Hair toppers are amazing solution for people with thinning or sparse hair, even for people for are experiencing alopiea or a thinning or receeding hairline. Unlike wigs hair toppers are exstremly light and confortable to wear. 

We listen to each individual clients needs and concerns to recommend the best hair topper or hair loss solution for them.  


How Do I Wear A Topper?

Hair toppers are worn as little or as much as you like. They are usually attached with clips, which are silicon lined to avoid any damage to your own hair. Clip placement can vary from person to person and is discussed during the consultation.

Alternatively the hair pieces can be attached by small micro beads or head bands, we custom the toppers to your requirements. If you do have finer more fragile hair at the hairline, we do recommend a topper velvet gripper to help keep the topper secure. We teach and give you a good understanding on how to fitting and secure your topper as well as how to look after your hair piece from shampooing to styling to storing. So you can wear your hair topper with confidence. 

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What type of topper
Do I Choose?

The type and size of topper is mainly down to personal preference, whether your looking for light coverage, create a fringe or add fullness to your excising fringe or a full volume topper that give more coverage.

We recommend matching your own hair colour to the topper, this gives a more natural and seamless blend between the topper and your own hair.  As the hair pieces are made from human hair we are able to customize the colour to your choice.

Hair toppers can we worn every day or just from time to time. 

Light volume Topper from £260

Full volume Topper from £320

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